Ultimate Mimo777’s Club Penguin June 2009 Party Clues Cheats Guide!! [UPDATED]


Mimo777 has released all his party clues which we just covered last week and here are all the answers and explanations to his party clues!! : ) As always, if you think any of the answers to the clues are incorrect or you have a better answer, please let us know — just comment and tell us so that we can add that in!!

Room: Forest or Snow Forts [Upside-down picture of tree in the Forest or Snow Forts]

Server: Icebound [Jerri Nielsen wrote the book — Ice Bound: A Doctor’s Incredible Story of Survival at the South Pole]

Date: June 14 [From Mimo777’s height in the picture]

Time: 3.00 or 12.15 CPTZ/Club Penguin Time Zone [From the hands of the clock, thanks to mryomama, Woffbuffet and oisin1001 for the tip!!]

Ultimate Mimo777’s Club Penguin June 2009 Party Clues Cheats Guide!! : D

Well, guess what — Mimo777 is having another party again and we have the answers to the party clues (with the reasons give) here!! If you think any of the answers to the clues are incorrect or you have a better answer, please let us know — just comment and tell us so that we can add that in!! 😀

Room: Forest or Snow Forts [Upside-down picture of tree in the Forest or Snow Forts]

Server: Icebound [Jerri Nielsen wrote the book — Ice Bound: A Doctor’s Incredible Story of Survival at the South Pole]

Date: June 14 [From Mimo777’s height in the picture]

Time: To be released at a later date

Complete Mimo777’s April 2009 Party Answer Guide!! [UPDATED]

Hey!! Mimo777 has released all the clues to his party and here are all the answers for the clues!!

Server: Northern Light or Aurora [from the picture and the many comments telling me so!! Thanks for all the comments!!]

Date: 18th April 2009 [netddaruoftcartsbusowtsulpnetekat?yasuoyyadtahw read backwards is a maths problem: 10+2-4+10 = 18. Thanks to benijboy 13 for the great tip!!]

Time: 2.30 PST [Not so sure. Please comment and let me know if you know if this is the correct time]

Room: Headquarters HQ [the picture shown is a quarter so this means Quarter on Club Penguin!! Thanks to oisin1001 for the tip!!]

Let me know if you are coming to the party or I made any mistakes on the answers!! The clues are pretty tough this time so please comment so that I can make sure you get the right answers!! Thanks a lot for your help!! 😀

Ultimate April 2009 Mimo777’s Party Clues Guide!! : )

Hey!! Mimo777 will be having a party this month and he has released some clues for the party!! : ) Here are the answers and the solutions to his clues!! We will be showing you all the answers as he releases all the clues so be sure to check the updates on this post!! Comment and let me know if you know the answers to the clues as well!! 😀

Update To Server: B-man gave us a very great tip!! If you search “Iceland Northern Lights” on Google, and if you go to images, one of the first few images should be the one that Mimo used (it’s streched and reversed too) So the server may be Iceland!! Thanks to B-man for the tip!! : )

Time: 2.30 PST [To Be Confirmed]

Server: Northern Light or Iceland or maybe Southern Light and Aurora [Try and google Northern Light and you can find the image. Thanks to Tony for the tip.]



Complete Mimo777’s March 2009 Party Clues Guide!! : D

Hey!! Mimo777 has posted all the party clues to his party in March 2009 and here are all the answers with the solutions on how to get them in this guide!! Comment and let me know if you will be there!! Meanwhile check out my Ultimate Club Penguin March 2009 St. Patrick Day Party Cheats And Secrets!! : D if you have not done so!! 😀

Server: Snow Bank [SWAN KNOB in the first poem decodes to Snow Bank]

Location: Mine [See the bold letters imen which forms mine]

Time: 1 PST [The penguins in the video forms the word “ONE”]

Date: 15th March 2009 [There is a blinking square so count the position of that square to get 15: TO BE CONFIRMED]