Comeback: Please Provide Suggestions!! : D

Update: I am going to try something I have not done in a long time. I’m getting authors to help me post. Condition is that you must not be writing for ANY blog currently. As simple as that. Just comment below your email and name and I will get in touch with you. Thanks!! : )

Hey!! Really really sorry that I have been gone for a long time. After much thoughts, I feel that I am no longer as relevant as before in this new Club Penguin World. But I’m willing to give a try so as to get back on track again. So I will need your help, just comment and tell me what you all want to see, what suggestions you have and what ideas you have!! Do you want more cheats and guides? Or you want more rumors and speculations? Or just plain reporting or lots more contests? I need to you tell me TRULY what you want so that we may work out something together. So please comment and let me know what you think!! I will see what I can do about it!! Thanks!! : )